Don’t Look Up – again
(the satire that changed the world)

Why host a community screening:
– Considering the short window of time available to adequately address Climate Change, we are skipping the extra year-plus it would take to push through the traditional film festival circuit and, instead, putting the movie out now. We encourage community, student, film, and activist organizations to host group screenings as discussion starters, community building events, and fundraisers.
– To host a community screening of Don’t Look Up – again (the satire that changed the world), please email: staff (shift 2), with the subject heading “Community Screening.”
Universities and Indie Theaters:
– We also welcome university and indie theater showings as well.
– Please inquire about the possibility of having a Q&A with the filmmaker, following the screening.
– Same email as above, but with a subject heading of “Theater Screening.”
Why interview the filmmaker:
– Although this is a real feature length film with a great cast and script, it’s also literally a thousand dollar movie. There is no budget for promotion. We are relying solely upon word of mouth, social media, and INTERVIEWS. If you have a stream, series, show, podcast, etc. and are interested in having a conversation about this ambitious project, we would love to hear from you.
– Twitch and Youtube Live streamers are welcome to inquire about streaming the movie ahead of the discussion.
– To interview Lonnie Ray Atkinson about Don’t Look Up – again and/or YouthSpring: The Movie, email: staff (shift 2), with the subject heading “Interview Inquiry.”
Support the filmmaker (a note from Lonnie Ray Atkinson):
Literally a thousand dollar movie, Don’t Look Up – again would not have been possible without a majority cast (of friends and activists) who generously volunteered their time and talent. Furthermore, I wrote, directed, produced, and edited the film while working a full time job and being a not-so-bad dad.
If you would like to show your support for this film or support me in future creative endeavors (with budgets hopefully greater than a thousand bucks), you can do so *here*.
Professional Inquiries (another note from Lonnie):
Between this and my other thousand dollar film, I believe I’ve shown what I’m capable of accomplishing with less than what is considered in the industry to be “no budget.” It would be nice to see what I’m capable of getting done with some real dough. If you’re a filmmaker, producer, agent, studio, etc. interested in seeing what else I have up my sleeve, please email: staff (shift 2), with the subject heading “Professional Inquiry.”
About the filmmaker:
Lonnie Ray Atkinson is a writer and filmmaker originally from (out East) Nashville, Tennessee.
Want to know more? Check out A Good Kid And His Ghosts. It’s all pretty much in there.
His works include:
– A Good Kid And His Ghosts
– Don’t Think Of A Republican: How I Won A Republican Primary As A Progressive Lefty And You Can Too
– Tough Guys, Bad Dudes and Other Men My Father Knew: a farewell to my old man and to old school masculinity
– He Doesn’t Know
– The Arborists
– The Last Days of Nonviolence: A Portrait of The American Reckoning Movement
– Revival
– Act Two
About the film (a short timeline):
– Earth Day 2020: The original Youth Spring essay (now slightly altered) appears online.
– 2021: Lonnie Ray Atkinson comes up with the idea for Youth Spring: The Movie.
– December 2021: Don’t Look Up is released.
– 2022: With help from Cooper Sperling, Lonnie develops the concept and strategy for Youth Spring: The Movie, while working on other creative projects – and reflecting on the film Don’t Look Up.
– 2023-2024: As a vehicle to help launch Youth Spring: The Movie as an activist experiment, Lonnie writes and directs Don’t Look Up – again (the satire that changed the world).|
– To find out more, email for an interview or Q&A.